“We are proud to be one of the oldest, most established CSA farms in the area.”
Three Rivers Community Farm is an 8 acre farm practicing regenerative and organic agriculture to grow produce for a 300 member CSA, two farmers markets and a local farm stand in Elsah, IL. We are entering our 14th season and are proud and grateful to be feeding our STL community of veggie conscious consumers!
We grow too many vegetables to name; also melons, cantaloupe, strawberries and blackberries. We also just planted a pawpaw orchard of 50 trees which should start producing in 2024.

Visit our Farm!
22935 Chautauqua Road Elsah, IL 62028
Visiting Hours
The Farm Stand
Thursday and Friday from 10-7 and Saturdays 9-2 starting in mid-May through October
Shop with us.
Join Three Rivers Community Farm CSA or visit their Farm Stand!
Center Cross Dr, St. Louis, MO 63116
Saturdays 8am–12pm
Contact us.
Amy Cloud
About our Farm
Farm Size
25 acres
Conservation Practices
- Cover crops
- Crop rotation
- Drip irrigation
- Pollinator enhancement plan
- Integrated pest management
- Field border
Additional Practices
- Soil testing
- Organic seeds