Why We Choose Locally Produced Food in a Global Food System

Why We Choose Locally Produced Food in a Global Food System

What we choose to eat is no longer seen as neutral. What we choose to eat is no longer seen as neutral. In recent years, our food purchasing and consumption habits have increasingly been characterized as decisions that carry moral ramifications. Consumers are increasingly focused on knowing who produces our food, were they fairly compensated,…

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Farmer Feature: Heru Urban Farming

Farmer Feature: Heru Urban Farming

On the morning of October 27th, Tyrean Lewis, founder and president of Heru Urban Farming and Garden, welcomed me to his garden on Maffitt Avenue with a warm smile, a firm handshake, and a quick tour of the property. What had once been an empty lot was now a beautifully rich garden. Even with winter fast…

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Where Does Our Food Come From?

Where Does Our Food Come From?

Throughout human history, at least up until the 20th Century, this question has had a fairly straightforward answer: the land around us. To ask that question now is to invite all of the confusion and existential anxiety that a post-industrial society can offer, which is why mostly we don’t ask it. Our supermarket shelves are…

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